Sunday, August 10, 2008

Where does the time go?

In coming into my blog, I resisted the temptation of going into some of my favorite blogs. Every time I do I end up spending several hours getting lost in reading about everyone else lives and decide to blog on my life another time. Pretty soon you realize three weeks or a month has gone by.........

The summer is quickly getting away from me. It's hard to believe we're moving into the second week of August already. Wasn't today just a beautiful day! God is so good!

Vacation in Put in Bay was great with the family. There is nothing like good quality time with the family. The weather could have been better, but at least it wasn't a wash out. I think everyone got to do all that they wanted to. My favorite parts were riding up and back with the grandchildren in the back seat chattering and singing songs like "BINGO" at the top of "our" lungs..........or maybe it was carrying our tent, assembled, to another camp site, as the camp ground was ( ) full.........or maybe it was reading the Gazette (that's the local news paper) and finding out more about locals and the old houses...........or the early morning sneak away with my granddaughter and going downtown......or when my grandson caught his first fish (before dad or grandpa). Do you get the idea it was a good time for all.......I hope we can do it again next year.

The new job is going great! I've been there just over a month. I have learned much and know I still have much to learn. I have a awesome activity staff. This fall should bring some challenges with several staff members going back to college but hiring new staff isn't anything new to me.

This job is a lot different than the last one. The meetings and paperwork are still there but I can make the resident my main focus, the other stuff secondary, which is the way it should be. My first shin-dig last Thursday went well. I hired and entertainer and had not yet heard her and was a bit worried but I soon realize I had nothing to worry about She was good! I like it when things work out.

Vacation bible school was a big hit with the neighboring children. I think we neared 70 this year. I 'm glad VBS is a mission our church can offer. Kids today need all the help we can give them. I didn't sign up for a class this year because I wasn't sure of the employment situation. As it turned out, Andrea (my daughter) needed a pinch hitter for the toddler group so she could take care of some needed business.

I want to share one more thing........
As a blogger you didn't know your were famous and an author did you? I read a nice article in the August RedbooK magazine about blogging. Good Stuff! On the cover, it said "Spill your Secrets". I just knew the article was going to be about blogging. It's a really good article. I liked how it said "finding the right blogging community is like finding the right pair of jeans". I guess that's true, we click better with some than others and we all have different interests. I learned isn't the only blogging place (which I already knew wouldn't be but I didn't know the names of any). There is and If you don't want to have a blog page and just want to put your two cents worth in, there is "" or "". Go check it out, I think you will all get something out of it. Let me know what you think.

Quote of the day: Life expectancy would grow by leaps and bounds if green vegetables smelled as good as bacon. Doug Larson

God Bless. Good Night

1 comment:

Judith said...

I so understand about time disappearing, and how easily we get caught up in it. I don't think anyone is offended if we don't comment on everything. It's kind of like sending a thank you note for one you received.

Your family vacation sounded wonderful, except maybe having to carry the tent. But those things are probably the most remembered.