Saturday, September 22, 2007

I found this meme. Actually I have had it for several days but haven't taken the time to do it. I enjoyed it more than I thought I would once I got into it. I found the meme idea on a page that had multiple meme ideas.

If you like it, feel free to help your self to it. There are no rules other than there should be a key word in each line begining with the letter that starts you off . If you do this, please put a comment on my blog so I can come read yours. Enjoy.

ME: A to Z
A I love the color that the season of Autumn brings
B I can never have too many Books
C My cat provide me with a lot of Company
D I have a lovely Daughter
E My granddaughter is Eleven but sometimes acts much older
F My Family is very important to me
G With all my heart, I love and believe in God
H Happiness is a choice. I choose to be happy
I I am very Independent sometimes too much so
J My brother John and I have a great relationship.
K I always intend to be Kind but don't always come across that way
L I live for the three L's..... Life, Laughter, Love
M I wish I had enough Money to meet my needs and reach out to others too
N Nothing is more important than being Needed by your family and friends
O Life offers a lot of Options. America allows me freedom to exercise them
P Special People in my life...Andrea Haley Ryan Matt John Fran Pam Scottie
Q I like to sit Quietly, listen to the love around me when I am with my family
R Remembrance, a true, valued part of our past.
S Sunday's are Special. I love the quality time spent with family.
T Thank You God for everything. I am so Blessed.
U I Usually stay up late playing in the computer when I should be in bed
V Vacations aren't long enough. Do something special. Be good to yourself
W I don't Worry. I do what I can, then I ..... "Let Go, Let God".
X I look for eXtra time in a day. My body tells me, be thankful there isn't
Y Today is the Tomorrow you worried about Yesterday.
Z It is important to come out of our comfort Zone to really live and grow.
Quote for the day: Attitudes are self-created. You are free to choose to be victimized by circumstances or people, or you can choose to look at life with an open mind and be victorious. No one else can choose your attitude for you. Your perspective and choice of attitude gives you the power to be in control. That is the essence of true freedom. Ivene Dunlap
God Bless. Good Night.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Catching up on the good stuff.......

I came to my blog several hours ago, not really knowing what I wanted to blog about, just knowing I needed to come. I decided to go catch up on some of my friend's blogs. Maybe I would be inspired, find a really neat meme.

What I found in reading some of the blogs is that everyone else has been as busy as me and more. Judith at Flight Song has a new job and a new house. I'm so glad for her. Who says God doesn't answer prayers?

And Andrea at Decipher the fog. She may not have blogged in the last several days but I wonder where she gets the time and energy to do all that she does. Her son, my grandson starts preschool tomorrow, I think. And with all the soccer practices and games for two children, two part time jobs and a husband. Oh to be young again.

And Chelsea and DH and Boo. And Stephine, hubby and Elli. Must be the season. Everyone is all pumped up because it is finally getting cooler outside. It's about time.

I went to my grandson's soccer practice today only to find out it was cancelled. I was disappointed at first because I really enjoy watching him and visiting with my daughter, granddaughter and sometimes my son in law.

Then I thought about it for a minute. I was out of work earlier than I had been all week. It was a beautiful day. I went to the park and took a walk. (my first for the summer season). I got home before 7:30, went outside and worked in the yard until I couldn't see my hands in front of me. With the weather being so hot this summer, the yard has suffered quite a bit. The weeds and bushes were taking over and the poor trees need water soooooo bad. The grass, if longer, could pass for hay it's so dry.

Work continues to go well. I still work way too many hours but it doesn't seem to matter. The job is very rewarding and it keeps me out of mischief. Besides, my coworkers are working just as hard as I am and it is for the good of the people who live there.

What a great time had by all at the wedding this past weekend. Everyone was beautiful and the quality family time was priceless. I have lots of pictures and will post some of them as soon as I get the time to downloaded and cropped them. Andrea may beat me to it. She has some really nice ones too.

Quote: Our God is an Awesome God. Amen.

God Bless