The saga continues with the glasses........
Well it's Sunday night and I would like to say I have a nice, beautiful pair of glasses but that hasn't happened. I went to the eye doctor last Tuesday. And rather than him completing and eye exam so I could be on my way to get another pair of glasses and put this whole nightmare behind me..........the saga continues.
About half way through the eye eye exam, the doctor ask, "have you been having any problems lately. I could have said no, but...........One good look at my glasses and you could plainly see I was having problems. He ask if my vision was clear. I had to be honest and so no, for more reasons than I can mention.
The doctor was unable to complete the exam because he found that there was a film on the outside of each of my eyes. He said it was as a result of the surgery I had in 2005. All I could say is great................. the saga continues...........Then I ask "you mean I need more surgery before you can complete this eye exam. His answer was, no, just lazier. Then he said it was an office procedure.
The exam pretty much stopped at this point. He called and scheduled a consult for lazier. The appointment was scheduled for last Thursday. They called on Tuesday. The "new" nurse scheduled the wrong kind of evaluation. The regular nurse "Cindy" wanted me to call right away and reschedule. What she didn't say was that she was off on Wednesday. After 5 calls to schedule I find that she was off. Does it ever end?
After 5-6 calls on Thursday, I Finlay reach "Cindy". She was nice enough but she had nothing to offer me, they were booked and the only time she can get me in is at the end of May.....that's right MAY.
Let's see ...... My old job ends on the 27th, Insurance will have a major gap (three months befor the new insurance starts) .......My glasses are about to crumble at any moment and I need them for close work..........and she ask if this was an emergency? ...............Did I give her an ear full.
I have an appointment tomorrow at 11:30 am. I'd like to say it is for the procedure but it isn't. It's for a consult for laizer.
All I want is my glasses. I'm way to busy for all these details. I would like to enter my new job with this behind me.
Quote for the day: The cost of living is high, but it's worth it
God Bless.
I hope it's alright, my saying this. My impression here is that the eye doctor seems much too eager for you to have what he recommends, and after your agreeing to it, now it's alright to have to wait and wait. Something is not right here.
I would get a second opinion before doing anything. If you were seeing o.k. up to now, a little while won't hurt. Don't let him rush you.
Your old job is required by law to offer you COBRA. You'll have to pay for the coverage yourself with no employer contribution of course, but the reason the government made this into law is so that people do not have a gap in coverage from one job to the next.
Really, you should talk to your human resources people. There's no reason you should have to pay the whole cost of this surgery if you decide to have it.
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